Eventually I came across the owner, a Mister Viderian Vollmar, as he was discussing the ship with a few other oglers, a Mr. Mordecal Scraggs, and a Miss who's name escapes me at the moment.
As we talked, eventually Miss ImsosorryIforgetnamessoeasily had to take her leave, as a large clanking construct ambled over in her place. Whatever it was, the metal man must have been an engineering marvel.

As the discussion turned back to the battleship, wich apparently when completed, will be part of Caledon's navy, Mr. Scaggs offered all a ride on the amphibious transport craft he was working on. It resembled a gravey boat to be honest.

It was an interesting ride, until a harsh wind blew it upside down and I found myself falling practically under the world. Eventually I made my way back to the battleship, and seeing noone else on board, took to wandering Tanglewood, as i had never really spent much time there yet. Soon I received an invite from Mr. Vollmar at his home, witch apparently he had just moved in, and so furnishings were sparse, at this point, the automoton, a Mr. Lucious Sin, in a more human appearance, took his leave. Mr. Vollmar showed me around Tanglewood a bit, introducing me to a shoe making fae, Kandace Commons she seemed friendly, if a bit shy. then after a ride on the ferry and subsequent launch into the air and crash, Mr. Vollmar suggested we crash a ball held in Loch Avie by a Lady Eva Bellambi. At this point we had missed the formal part, (not that I'm very formal to begin with) and it was in full on rave mode, with many in tartans. I was given a set of tarten mouse ears, so even i had some tarten going. Miss Amber and Mr. Book were there already, though Miss Amber hadn't gone nude quite yet, and even Mr. Gnarli soon arrived as well, as everyone danced, drank, and howled, I eventually needed my sleep and took my leave.

It was a joy to see you as always! Great work on your blog btw, excellent pics, fun to follow :)
thanks, i try ^-^
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