Inside it was very much like a cave, some poor soul's skeleton was lying off to the side, along with some ancient weapons,

I felt as if I was being watched, so turned around and saw this character standing there leering at me!

I ran and jumped into the only place i could, the hole in the floor, to get away. and after sliding down a chute for a bit, found myself in a narrow hallway.

Following this passage, i came to a round room with idols to whatever goddess the builders of this tomb worshipped, and a deep pit in the center. After reading the pages I kept finding strewn around, and looking through this room. I began to think this may have been more than a tomb.

I'm not too sure what goddess this depicts, history was not my specialty I'm afraid, but the pages said possibly Ishtar, or was it Mozz? I don't quite remember..

Hearing sounds coming from the passageway I came through, I jumped into the pit in the center of the room.......and landed on bones! piles of them! This must have been some sort of sacrificial pit, I saw the skeletons of many humans and creatures i recognized, along with creatures I didn't...

Exploring the room of bones, I came across this item, the Star of Asthar? according to the pages strewn around the room by my predecessor in these caves..

I then heard more sounds, scritching and scrabblings, echoing down the pit, so I left this room post haste, and found myself in a much older cave. The skeletons of neanderthals were laid out here, as well as some odd cave paintings depicting some many limbed creature, tentacles maybe?

The pages that had been my guide were no longer useful as the last few i had found were becomming little more than insane ramblings. So I pushed on, climbing through the holw in this floor as well... and then i could certaintly understand the writer's insanity, I was in a cave, with large cracks in the walls, what was disturbing was what I saw IN these cracks, in one crack I saw the giant figure of a creature that I can only describe as semi humanoid, with a head resembling that of an octopus. And in the other crack, I saw some bizzarre city, all glowing metal towers and winged figures flying around it. I heard the same sounds from above me, and heard another sound, when i turned to the other gap in the wall, I saw the tentacled thing coming closer. With the creature in the gap approaching, and the sounds above me, I quickly squeezed myself into the other gap, towards the strange city. In all the comotion, I even forgot to take pictures!
Somehow, I'm not sure what happened, but after squeezing through the gap, I found myself back in Greystroke, in front of the barrows again! Swearing off any more spelunking, I decided to head for home and rest.